Saturday, August 30, 2008

38 Milion View Obama’s Speech, a Historical Figure


Barrack Obama, the favourite to win this year's presidential elections, has scored another first: 38 million people tuned in to see him speak to accept his nomination to be the presidential candidate for the democrats.

Even the Clintons, considered by many to be veterans of the Democratic Party leadership, gave in and let Obama take up the leadership mantle.

"The campaign generated so much heat, it increased global warming," Mr. Clinton said of the primaries. Mr. Clinton praised his wife as the candidate as the candidate who "never quit on the people she stood up for, on changes she pushed for, on the future she wants for all our children."

Television audiences for Obama outnumbered those of the Olympics, let alone finals of the "American Idols." It is a cloud Mr. Obama is obviously used to living under. He is the first African American nominee of a major political party. He has written three books, one of them, "The Audacity of Hope" has become a bestseller, especially in the run-up to the presidential poll.

I look forward to an interesting general election. I know Barrack Obama ill carry the day.

Enjoy yourselves

Mutimba Mazwi

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